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flow space

A space to control and release. The sixth and final zone, inspired by the 6th and 12th Zodiacal archetypes Virgo and Pisces. The theme of service became a meditation and refocus space. This yoga and meditation suite allows users to engage in a reset for body and mind and aims to be a peaceful haven for those who are busy or anxious. This act of mindfulness gives control and release to ourselves to find better habits of thought. Flowing curtains seperate spaces of individual and group mindfulness and meditation, as well as a central yoga space and shrine. Light peeks in from above from the circular sky port, - just as in the pantheon in Rome, - it will shift around the room revealing words of positive affirmation engraved in the walls. Yoga practice engages balance within the body and stretching to relieve physical and mental pain or blockages. Isolated prayer pods allow for a silent space to breathe and meditate to let go, just as the final zodiac sign resembles. Clusters of seating invite quiet lounging, reading and gathering.  Balcony walkway invites users to respectfully watch yoga practice as it is calming and syncronising. Outdoors however is the steepest cliff of the hill, and offers challengers an outdoor climbing space to reach the summit or abseil down. 

Inhale / Exhale
Do / Undo
Control / Release
Virgo / Pisces

This is the service axis, and it deals with the day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order ruled by virgo, and the 12th house, vision, spiritual health, disorder and the infinite ruled by pisces. The idea of applying and working to find a place in the world and amongst society, versus the retirement and enjoyment of having finished with daily responsibilities. The themed word for this is service, one end is holding it tightly, while the other is letting it go. This reminded me of ropes and climbing on a taught rope to be let loose to abseil down again. For this space I envisioned a control and release of mind and body, and that itself brings to mind yoga and meditation as it is the physical control and release of the body and all of its muscles. The flow of yoga reminds me of the body connecting with mind to inhale and exhale whilst holding and releasing the body, as well as releasing negativity and holding on to positivity.
Yoga studio and meditation space is the last zone and a place to release and let go before moving forward and back into the outside world.

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