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A space to learn and teach. The third zone, inspired by the 3rd and 9th Zodiac archetypes Gemini and Sagittarius. Their axis  theme of knowledge became a space for engaging and fulfilling the mind’s wandering questions, and sharing stories. This library and learning space serves as an open library for those seeking knowledge, guidance or simply entertainment in discussing similar interests. With apt study spaces for education and small lecture room for teachers to share higher knowledge. The structure is staged into the hillside allowing plentiful natural light and views of nature and is inspired by the constant levels of information we gain throughout life. There is a central meeting spot for gathering groups and sharing knowledge.

“knowledge is the food of the soul.” - Plato

Learner / Teacher
Take / Share
I think/ I understand
Gemini / Sagittarius

This polarity is a mental axis where  Gemini the 3rd house represents curiosity and logical thinking, while Sagittarius, the 9th, represents broader thinking, quests for meaning and ideas that expand upon the here and now. While Gemini is constantly learning and searching for information to join the dots in reality, Sagittarius is happy to share information and expansive ways of thinking about the world, more philosophically.  The theme here was quite clearly about knowledge and how we use it and share it. Imparting wisdom and learning new things can enlighten people to discovering new hobbies and interests. Fulfilling a mental connection to the world around us can give a sense of purpose. Learning every day is what keeps the days from being repetitive and boring. I decided this space would only make sense to be a library and learning space so that users can enjoy learning and teaching. The original observatory building has a classroom and resources for the study of the skies, and I have decided to expand this facility for the study of any and other things. There will be space for workshops, conferences and talks and different study areas for groups or individuals that need space to think and concentrate.
Gemini is ruled by communicator Mercury or known by the Greeks as Hermes the messenger and is all about getting the message across. While Sagittarius’ arrow points high in the sky to fly upward and onward to higher knowledge, and is ruled by planet of expansion Jupiter.

mental space

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